
About KitBox
KitBox is designed to facilitate data analyses by creating easy-to-use, feature-rich widgets from various data sources. One of the more significant advantages to KitBox is not having to worry about complex transformations, intricate formats, or hours of data preparation. KitBox is designed to make the most of your data, regardless of how much or how well defined it is. For more information please visit the website.
Interested in Purchasing KitBox
Please feel free to play with the online demo of KitBox or contact us directly to start the purchasing process. We provide all the documentation your business and legal department will need, and will adjust according to expectations and negotiations personally.
Together, we create a reasonable, realistic timeline for deployment, so you know when and what to expect. Once the licensing agreement and support policies are signed, we'll begin deploying or integrating KitBox for you according to the agreed upon time line.